IN AND THROUGH IT ALL  //  Seth Primm, Pat Anderson, Ryan Ceola,

©2017 Fellowship Worship (ASCAP). All rights reserved.


Song Lyrics

In the valley, through the shadows you are with us
In the desert, through our wandering right beside us
In the chaos, through the storm you never leave us, God

In the seeking, through the searching you are shaping
In the shifting, through the change you hold us steady
In our failing, through our weakness you are able, God

Rock of ages, in every season
You are faithful, you are constant
Rock of ages, you're where I run
In and through it all, in and through it all

In the silence, through the stillness you are speaking
In the waiting, through the pain you draw us nearer
In the longing, through our hunger you will fill us, God

Song Story

Captivated by the idea that God is both in the midst of and working through every circumstance, I began to explore the spectrum of circumstances that He is working in and through. It's such a comfort to know that our good and gracious Father is present and working in every season of life. No matter how circumstances may appear or even feel, faith in the truth that God is present and perfecting us through it can give hope, peace, and joy.

But we have to return to this truth over and over… to take shelter in the reality of God's presence and purpose in every season… to remember His unfailing love and faithfulness. That truth comes out in the chorus. I had struggled with where to go with the chorus for awhile when I shared the verses and overall heart of the song with some other worship leaders. Someone mentioned the old hymn, "Rock of Ages", and it seemed to sum up the message of the song. The chorus flowed out pretty quickly from that point.

We pray this song would be a reminder of the presence and work of our faithful, constant God in and through whatever season you may find yourself.

// Seth Primm