STEADFAST LOVE  //  Seth Primm, Ryan Ceola

©2017 Fellowship Worship (ASCAP). All rights reserved.


Song Lyrics

You are with me in this moment
You have led me to this place
Though the darkness 'round me closes
I will hold to hope by faith

Your love will never let me go
Never let me go
Your goodness is steadfast love
That never lets me go
You'll never let me go
Your goodness is steadfast love

You have suffered all our sorrow
You have carried all our pain
Though my spirit fights to follow
I am tethered to your grace

Song Story

Sitting at the piano in my sleeping house one evening, I was thinking about what God might want to put on the lips of His people when they gather to worship. I began to picture a person in the midst of a personal storm - recently diagnosed with cancer, a marriage in shambles, the loss of a loved one, a crisis of belief - standing in a large sanctuary, surrounded by hundreds of people who are unaware of the depths of the struggle… standing in that place, in that moment, feeling a deep sense of loneliness.

Then, I realized that I was imagining myself. In a season of questioning many of the beliefs on which I found much of my footing, I had awakened to find myself standing on the sea, rocking back and forth in the waves, struggling to keep my eyes up. Certainty was crumbling, and questions I had yet to really face were swirling. God was showing me that my ability to believe all the right things about Him was a false savior.

That night I began to see that God had led me out onto the water, because He loves me. He was stripping away false foundations in order to anchor my hope deeper in the way, the truth, the life. I realized that not only was He with me in the darkness of doubt, but He had actually led me to that place. It was His goodness that led me out on the water, and His unfailing love will hold me up in the waves.

// Seth Primm