To all who sit in darkness; behold:

Light is coming.

To all who struggle to hold their head up,
worn down by the baggage and weight of the things of life; see:

Hope is coming.

To all who have experienced the pain of injustice and the wounds of affliction; look:

Righteousness is coming.

To those ensnared by things of this world
that always promise joy but deliver pain; rejoice:

Freedom is coming.

To those who cling to the treasures of this world,
desperately seeking to build for themselves a life of meaning and value; listen:

The king is coming.

To those endlessly positioning and repositioning their goodness and virtue, gazing disapprovingly of those who fail to measure up; repent:

Holiness is coming.

To those anxiously hiding the deepest and darkest corners of their heart, fearful and lonely; hear:

Light is coming.

Friends, sit up, lean in, pay attention, for the Lord of Lords and the Creator and Sustainer of the universe makes his dwelling among us.

This is no time for idle pleasantries and sleepy pandering; rather, with urgency we prepare a place for the King, here in our hearts, in our lives, in our church, and in this world.

O King, we see you, breaking through the darkness of this world to take your place on this earth!

The King of Kings, Light from light, Great I AM, Hope of nations,
who humbles the proud but exalts the humble.

We greet you with praise, for you have purchased our freedom and secured our hope.

Proclaim and celebrate!
Our God is a light that dwells among us!

AUTHOR // Garland Autry

VOICE // Tad Moore