I’ve gotten used to it...

Asking what my heart desperately wants, and knowing it can never be.

So, what good would it do to keep asking?

These old bones have grown brittle.

Our once fertile land is a barren womb.

Again, I ask...and again, nothing...

I remember when you used to speak like thunder!

But that memory fades with every unanswered prayer.

I wonder, is trusting in you just enduring the years while the darkness presses in and I sink into the shadows of an endless silent night?

Then, sudden as the sunrise, I‘m the one silenced...

Mercy upon tender mercy you’ve given to me.

You leave no prayer unanswered, no promise undone.

Your faithfulness turns silence into song.

My doubts retreat and my heart fills with hope.

The long darkness surrenders to the dawning of light.

AUTHOR // Tad Moore

VOICE // Evan Crawford