We are a people walking in darkness as silence shrouds our steps.

In the days of our fathers, the people cried out to you in distress,
and your answer thundered as you led by cloud and by fire.
Now, we cry for justice and peace, but fear the sounds fail to find you.

We long to hear your voice, but fear what you would say.

We cry out, but have forgotten your name.

We have forgotten, you will remember.

We go hiding, you will seek.

We need a king, you will give a child.

We need a warrior, you will provide a shepherd.

We need a judge, you will send a counselor.

A faint light will dawn.

A gentle voice will sing.

And the child will rule the earth.

The shepherd will fight the darkness.

The counselor will condemn evil.

A voice cries out in the wilderness—He is coming.

The Father will send his Son—He is coming.

A young girl rejoices in her Savior—He is coming.

Angels announce his approach—He is coming.

A light is dawning. Do you see it?

Redemption is singing. Can you hear it?

AUTHOR // Nick Roland

VOICES // Collin Jackson, Gretchen Speer